Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Plan Starts Today

Yesterday I received my supplies from my new plan - Isagenix. Isagenix is lifestyle change for me, not a diet! It has a great history of helping people lose weight (practically every diet can say that) but once the diet is over, the weight comes back on. As successful as Jenny Craig and other diet plans are, they aren't a lifestyle change. You aren't going to buy food from Jenny Craig for the rest of your life. I read somewhere that 99% of diets fail if you check back in five years. Sure weight is lost temporarily but everyone who starts a diet doesn't intend to be back where they were in five years! They think they are going to lose the weight and stay there for five years. Since that doesn't happen, the diet is ultimately unsuccessful.

My intention is to be part of the 1% who succeed so I am not starting a diet. I am starting a lifestyle change. This morning I weighed 305 pounds. My plan is to get below 290 by the end of September and then add in exercise starting in October as explained in previous posts. With Isagenix I am convinced I can beat my weight problem of the past 25 years once and for all.

If you want to check it out further click on this link. There are dozens of videos on the website sharing the science behind this lifestyle change. The videos are very well done with some people sharing their personal stories, others sharing the science behind the solution. After watching a few of them you may want to talk to a live human being. At that point please contact me by leaving a comment along with your best email address. Without the email address I won't be able to correspond with you. I hate spam as much as anyone so you have my promise that I will never sell your email address to anyone!!! (If you aren't comfortable leaving your email adddress then I will give you mine -

I will then get back to you by email and get you the information you seek. I'll be glad to share with you what I know or put you in touch with someone who knows more than me. But please do not sign up without communicating with me first! This solution is a personal one - the science is cutting edge, but the solution is personal. Your success is dependent on both.

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