Thursday, September 3, 2009

How I Got in Trouble

I got in trouble with both my weight and my conditioning upon marrying. This is not the fault of my wife for all she did was what most wives do - feed their husbands. But I went too far and as each year went by my weight went up a little bit each year. Actually my weight gain wasn't that consistent. I actually gained quite a bit that first year because for the first time in my adult life I was eating regularly and healthily. But after that initial 20 pounds or so, weight gain was very gradual until I was over 350 pounds!

I hit that particularly ugly benchmark 10 years ago. I remember distinctly when it happened. My family and I were staying in a hotel in the San Diego area and I went to the hotel gym with my then 14 year-old son who was on the high school football team. They had scales in that gym and I weighed myself for the first time in years and I was dumbfounded. Furthermore I was disgusted by myself. I had avoided looking in mirrors for years but this time I stopped and stared in the mirror to get an eyeful of what 350+ pounds looks like.

That started my 10 year odyssey to getting back in shape. My first attempt involved the Atkins diet which I will share with you in another post.

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